New photographs and Galleries

It's admittedly been much too long since the last blog post.  However, this has not reflected a lack of new photographs.  In order to better accommodate the wide range of subject matter, I'm starting to rename Galleries using a "Portfolio" designation.  This will allow me to include a broader range of images without compromising a designated, narrow subject description instead.  I believe that this new naming system will help me better manage the diversity of my catalog and keep things in better order.  Unfortuantely, organization is not one of my strong suits, so I believe this new naming system will help.   I also have  a new camera - a Mavic Pro Drone.  Wow.  What a treat.  I'm finally able to create images from an entirely new perspective.  As many of my images - speciically those in "Portfolio 1A" -  are "aerial" and taken from commerical aircraft, this new camera allows me, on a more limted scale, to take aerial pictures at just about any time.  You will begin to see these images within the Galleries soon.   As always, let me know what you like and would like to see more of.  Stay tuned.